
Pic 2Was telehealth a legitimate option ten years ago?

Since the pandemic in 2020, so much has changed in how people live, including mental health care. Some of these changes have happened for the better.

Telehealth is one of those positive changes and is the way of the future.

We (Matt and Amanda) did not see ourselves providing telehealth until 2020. We feared it would not be personal enough, as engaging, or all around not effective. We were so wrong as we were forced into providing telehealth, and we quickly learned the benefits and how it works for most people.

Our favorite part of providing telehealth is the convenience. There is no drive time or finding the office. There aren’t any awkward stares with others in the waiting room with the hum of noise machines (icky). Instead, you can relax at home with your favorite cup of coffee and blanket!

Telehealth is personable.

We try to connect with you as if we were seeing you in person. When you log on for a session, you will see us “in our office,” so we can ensure that you are kept in a confidential space, just like if we were in person.

There are also many surprising ways to connect that make it like in-person therapy. Some of the tools we will use include privately shared documents, online art tools, and other resources.

You will receive our full attention, make eye contact (as long as it’s comfortable!), and match your emotions along with you.

Telehealth is convenient and safe.

Life is demanding these days, and meeting those demands doesn’t leave much time for us to take care of ourselves. All your documents, paperwork, payment, scheduling, and appointment reminders are online, so there is no need to come to the office.

Our sessions occur over a HIPPA-compliant link, ensuring our conversations are private.

Most people find it very convenient to have a session during their lunch break or break away from work for an hour to have a session. Setting sessions suitable to other demands is beneficial, especially when your evening schedule is full of soccer practice, gymnastics, and figuring out what is for dinner!

Matt MewhorterDon’t let your busy schedule keep you in the way of getting help.

We understand it isn’t always easy to leave your house or try to fit one more appointment into your evenings. Often, people end up putting off getting help because they are too overwhelmed with life’s demands. But this is when you need help the most!

What’s that saying? You must give yourself the oxygen mask before you help someone else. Start showing up for yourself so you can show up for the people you love most and show up for the things you enjoy doing the most!

Call today for a free 15-minute consultation!